Too Far to Travel

We have another training session coming in July, Plumbing Business Basics© so we have started contacting owners and putting some announcements on social media. The class is open to anyone who would like to attend to learn more about the basics of managing a plumbing business. Some of the feedback is; we’re away at that time or it’s too far to travel. Yes, plans are made far in advance, and I get that. But, too far to travel?

With the ease of flying, too far is a thing of the past. Maybe you need to sit in a plane for a trip – which is generally better than driving a long distance. I wonder if the training session was in their backyard, would really make a difference? It is like overcoming a sales objection. “If you could pay for the trip and class with your increased knowledge in 30 to 60 days, is it worth it?” That time frame is very conservative by the way.

The basics taught and discussed never really changes. The knowledge will last a lifetime. The knowledge about the numbers in your business is truly the “Silver Bullet” that will make your business more profitable. Profitability, enjoying more family time and not having to worry as much about your finances is normally a goal of the business owner. What is that knowledge worth? Is it worth sitting on an airplane for a few hours?

Contact us to get signed up for this class or for other help with your business at

The Plumbers Coach™. Detailed personalized business coaching and training for plumbing contractors. Like us on Facebook @ThePlumbersCoach, follow us on Twitter @T_PlumbersCoach and on LinkedIn @KeithGlass1. Get your day started right with The Daily Quote on our social media pages or subscribe to the email.

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